Transforming Waiting Time into Productive Work Time with Gateway Jordan

Transforming Waiting Time into Productive Work Time with Gateway Jordan

Finally found the perfect candidate for your open position in Jordan? The interviews went well, the employment contract is signed, and now you’re just waiting for the bureaucracy to process the visa applications. But the visa process can be long and uncertain. Don’t despair – at Gateway Jordan, we turn waiting time into productive work time with Jordanian Remote Work Solutions.

For remote-friendly roles, we employ the candidates in Jordan while they wait for their work visas to be approved. This way, you have full access to your new team members, allowing you to conduct onboarding and even assign initial tasks. The candidates receive a fair income during this period, and we also offer German language courses to prepare them for their future roles.

Moreover, we can expedite the process by obtaining business visas for your candidates, which are typically processed faster. With a business visa, your new hires can come to Germany and start learning and working on-site immediately, provided their roles do not require special permits.

This innovative approach not only keeps your projects on track but also ensures a smooth transition for your new hires. They remain engaged and productive, gaining valuable experience and training before officially joining your team in Germany.

Interested in learning more? Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can turn your waiting time into productive work time.

Key Benefits of Remote Work Solutions | Gateway Jordan:

  • Immediate Access to Talent: Start onboarding and assigning tasks while waiting for visa approval.
  • Fair Income for Candidates: Ensure your candidates are compensated during the waiting period.
  • German Language Courses: Prepare your new hires with language training.
  • Expedited Business Visas: Bring candidates to Germany faster with business visas.

Contact us now to transform your recruitment process and make waiting time productive work time.

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